Linked Meta-Process

class linkedmetaprocess.LinkedMetaProcessSystem(mp_list=None)

A linked meta-process system holds several interlinked meta-processes. It has methods for:

  • loading / saving linked meta-process systems
  • returning information, e.g. product and process names, the product-process matrix
  • determining all alternatives to produce a given functional unit
  • calculating LCA results for individual meta-processes
  • calculating LCA results for a demand from the linked meta-process system (possibly for all alternatives)

Meta-processes cannot contain:

  • 2 processes with the same name
  • identical names for products and processes (recommendation is to capitalize process names)


  • mp_list ([MetaProcess]): A list of meta-processes
add_mp(mp_list, rename=False)

Adds meta-processes to the linked meta-process system.

mp_list can contain meta-process objects or the original data format used to initialize meta-processes.


Returns all alternative pathways to produce a given functional unit. Data output is a list of lists. Each sublist contains one path made up of products and processes. The input Graph may not contain cycles. It may contain multi-output processes.


  • functional_unit: output product

Returns an edge list for all edges within the linked meta-process system.

mp_list can be a list of meta-process objects or meta-process names.


Returns cut/input product names for a list of meta-processes.


Returns output product names for a list of meta-processes.


Returns the product-process matrix as well as two dictionaries that hold row/col values for each product/process.

mp_list can be used to limit the scope to the contained processes


Returns a the names of a list of meta-processes.


Returns a list of meta-processes.

mp_list can be a list of meta-process objects or meta-process names.


Returns the output and input product names of a list of meta-processes.

mp_list can be a list of meta-process objects or meta-process names.

lca_alternatives(method, demand)

Calculation of LCA results for all alternatives in a linked meta-process system that yield a certain demand. Results are stored in a list of dictionaries as described in ‘lca_linked_processes’.


  • method: LCIA method
  • demand (dict): keys: product names, values: amount
lca_linked_processes(method, process_names, demand)

Performs LCA for a given demand from a linked meta-process system. Works only for square matrices (see scaling_vector_foreground_demand).

Returns a dictionary with the following keys:

  • path: involved process names
  • demand: product demand
  • scaling vector: result of the demand
  • LCIA method: method used
  • process contribution: contribution of each process
  • relative process contribution: relative contribution
  • LCIA score: LCA result


  • method: LCIA method
  • process_names: selection of processes from the linked meta-process system (that yields a square matrix)
  • demand (dict): keys: product names, values: amount
lca_processes(method, process_names=None, factorize=False)

Returns a dictionary where keys = meta-process name, value = LCA score

load_from_file(filepath, append=False)

Loads a meta-process database, makes a MetaProcess object from each meta-process and adds them to the linked meta-process system.


  • filepath: file path
  • append: adds loaded meta-processes to the existing database if True

Returns all process names.

product_process_dict(mp_list=None, process_names=None, product_names=None)

Returns a dictionary that maps meta-processes to produced products (key: product, value: meta-process). Optional arguments mp_list, process_names, product_names can used as filters.


Returns all product names.


Remove meta-processes from the linked meta-process system.

mp_list can be a list of meta-process objects or meta-process names.


Saves data for each meta-process in the meta-process data format using pickle and updates the linked meta process system.

scaling_vector_foreground_demand(mp_list, demand)

Returns a scaling dictionary for a given demand and matrix defined by a list of processes (or names). Keys: process names. Values: scaling vector values.


  • mp_list: meta-process objects or names
  • demand (dict): keys: product names, values: amount

Updates the linked meta-process system every time processes are added, modified, or deleted. Errors are thrown in case of:

  • identical names for products and processes
  • identical names of different meta-processes
  • if the input is not of type MetaProcess()

Updates the name map, which maps product names (outputs or cuts) to activity keys. This is used in the Activity Browser to automatically assign a product name to already known activity keys.


Returns all upstream products and processes related to a certain product (functional unit).